Mathematical Literacy: the role of children’s literature in math classes in the final years of Elementary School
Mathematics Education, Mathematical Literacy, children's literature, final years of Elementary SchoolAbstract
This paper presents the results of a research that investigates the usage of children’s literature in math classes, considering a teaching proposal and its implementation in 8th and 9th grade classes of Elementary School. The research problem is conveyed by the following question: how can a teaching proposal combining Mathematics and Literature be constructed for students in the final years of Elementary School? Based in Smole et al. (2004), Soares (2009), and Machado’s (2003) theoretical support, we discuss the concept of mathematical literacy, moving it further from the results of implemented activities and raising issues based on homeland and international research and documentation. The analytical procedure carried out shows the power of the dialogue between Mathematics and Literature, which tends to contribute to the learning of mathematical knowledge covered by literary works. This is because it can be understood that integrating mathematical issues with children's literature is a possibility that Elementary School teachers have for developing broader teaching and learning processes that relate curricular and non-curricular matters.
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