PIBID Project and Special Educational Service: an experience with the use of games and manipulatives materials in the construction of Mathematics concepts by students
Special Education, Mathematics Education, Games, ManipulativesAbstract
This text emerges as a reflective product from a set of experiences lived within the scope of the Teaching Initiation Project (PIBID), that took place in the Special Educational Service (AEE) space. From the demands emerging from regular mathematics classes, the possibility of developing materials/classes that were subsidized in the use of games and manipulatives was considered. For this purpose, ideas that could support the construction and use of the materials described in this article were consulted in the literature. The theoretical basis used runs through characteristic elements in national legislation, which involves Special Education from the perspective of Inclusive Education and also in the use of games and manipulatives to promote reflective mathematical learning. From a methodology based on actions in the AEE, observations on the participants and notes in the field diary, it was possible to reflect, from a qualitative perspective, on the itinerary taken by the participating students, relating it to their contemplation before the objectives in advance elaborated. The performance of the project's actions also made it possible to reflect on the initial training of the mathematics teacher, regarding its appropriation of the ideas and ways of working pertinent to the AEE.
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