In times of remote teaching: practicing Mathematics on Google Forms from an epidemiological bulletin on Coronavirus-Covid-19


  • Marcos Antônio Guedes Caetano Secretaria da Educação do Estado da Bahia (SEC/BA), Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Caravelas (SEMED), Caravelas, BA, Brasil



Mathematics, Problem Solving, Covid-19, Google Forms


This work aims to make considerations about the development of a remote mathematics activity with the students of the 6th year of the School Claudionora Nobre de Melo, located in the city Caravelas. The conduction of this pedagogical practice started with an epidemiological bulletin on the Coronavirus-Covid-19 found in this location, in the extreme south of Bahia. Such a study is justified by the fact that it is a strategy that enables dialogue between two aspects: the current pandemic moment and mathematical knowledge, thus favoring the learning of mathematical contents. In this perspective, it makes use of the problem-solving methodology based on mathematical situations and based on Paulo Freire's reflections, which proposes the improvement of the contact with Mathematics, creating conditions for this knowledge to be built. With this direction, it also relies on the BNCC, which portrays this methodological aspect as a privileged instrument in the teaching and learning process of elementary education. To do so, it uses the Google Forms as a pedagogical and technological resource, subsidizing the present study and as a way of arousing the student's interest. Everything indicates that promoting actions of an interdisciplinary nature diversifies, dynamizes, and enriches the binomial teaching and learning of Mathematics, which in a way also establishes relationships between the mathematical object and real events linked to the students' experiences, such as social issues, focused on the health area. These are viable and significant contexts for the construction of mathematical exercises.


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Author Biography

  • Marcos Antônio Guedes Caetano, Secretaria da Educação do Estado da Bahia (SEC/BA), Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Caravelas (SEMED), Caravelas, BA, Brasil


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Mathematics Education

How to Cite

CAETANO, Marcos Antônio Guedes. In times of remote teaching: practicing Mathematics on Google Forms from an epidemiological bulletin on Coronavirus-Covid-19. REMAT: Revista Eletrônica da Matemática, Bento Gonçalves, RS, Brasil, v. 7, n. 2, p. e2004, 2021. DOI: 10.35819/remat2021v7i2id4856. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 jan. 2025.

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