Unit fractions: contributions from the History of Mathematics to rational numbers teaching
unit fractions, History of Mathematics, teaching, ancient egiptiansAbstract
The History of Mathematics is a field that can bring contributions to Mathematics teaching at basic education. The objective of this work was to carry out a historical-epistemological survey on the unit fractions in History of Mathematics books and to analyze the possibilities of contribution of this theme to the final years of Elementary School. Research by Lopes (2008) and Pommer (2020) show that the teaching of rational numbers is still an open subject for academic debates. For this discussion we raised the framework on fractions teaching, as well as the relevance and possible contributions of the field of the History of Mathematics. In the methodological part, a documentary research was developed in four History of Mathematics books: Karlson (1961), Boyer (1974), Ifrah (1997) e Roque 2012. The books revealed moments of the development of unit fractions by the ancient Egyptians that allow a connection with research involving rational numbers in Mathematics Education. Still, it was observed that the cultural contexts involved in the development of unitary fractions by the ancient Egyptian people could be inserted in problematic situations to foster interdisciplinary teaching, which contributes to the learning of the fractions themselves.
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