A teaching sequence for the formation of statistical concepts in the early years of Elementary Education
Teaching Sequence, Statistical Literacy, Investigative CycleAbstract
This article aims to analyze the elements that enhance the teaching of statistical concepts through a teaching sequence with the theme potable water, elaborated with the phases of the Investigative Cycle for the initial years of Elementary Education. In order to achieve this objective, we rely on the Statistical Literacy proposed by Gal and on Vergnaud’s Conceptual Field Theory. The sequence was developed in a group of third-grade students at a public school, in the southern region of Bahia, and the five phases of the Investigative Cycle proposed by Wild and Pfannkuch are adopted in this study’s methodology. The sequence was planned during a formative process and it was developed by a teacher in her classroom. The result of the research reveals that the elements of the cognitive component (mathematical and statistical knowledge) and of the attitudinal component proposed by Gal for the development of Statistical Literacy (critical posture, beliefs, and attitudes) were enhanced. It also signaled that the sequence provided the students with the learning of statistical concepts when addressing a daily theme and being developed according to the Investigative Cycle phases.
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