The use of GeoGebra mobile as auxiliary tool in teaching of inverse and logarithmic functions
GeoGebra Mobile, Teaching and Learning, MotivationAbstract
The process of teaching and learning of some concepts faces some difficulties that may be associated with motivation or interaction. As an example, there are the inverse and logarithmic functions that have a fundamental role in the appropriation of knowledge of differential calculus. In this sense, this work investigates the presentation of these contents through GeoGebra to a Science and Technology course entering students. The content is submitted in parallel with the use of GeoGebra to visualize the behavior of the addresed functions and each student, on their smartphone, follows everything that is taught using the application. During the intervention, it was possible to notice the interaction and motivation of the public involved and the evaluations point to a good performance, showing that technologies can be allies in teaching and learning process.
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