Construction of a historical narrative for the classroom: Eratosthenes, the calculation of the circumference of the Earth and the teaching of similarity of triangles
Eratosthenes, Historical Narrative, History of Mathematics, Similarity of TrianglesAbstract
This work aims to present an approach to teaching the content of similarity of triangles, based on elements of the History of Mathematics, through historical narratives. The qualitative study uses bibliographic research as a strategy for the construction of a historical narrative that aims to assist the teaching of similarity of triangles from a story focused on the calculation of the circumference of the Earth. The historical facts taken as the main elements in the process of narrative construction and chosen in a way that were related to the contents intended to be taught, were constituted from fragments of history presented in the works of the authors Lasky (2001), Vinagre e Lunazzi (2002) and Asger (1984). Through this proposal, the dynamic of teaching methodologies is emphasized, through the use of interdisciplinary elements that promote qualitative changes in the teaching and learning process, and also enable new ways of addressing content in the classroom and a more active participation of the student in the learning process.
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