Warranty cost analysis for equipment with two dependent failure modes





Reliability, Warranty Models, Gumbel Distribution


A common procedure in Reliability Engineering is to calculate the serial system survival probability. This formulation is used to calculate the reliability of an equipment with multiple independent failure modes. However, the hypothesis of independence between system components when there are correlated failure modes are lost. A bivariate probability distribution, the Gumbel distribution, was used in this study to calculate the warranty cost of a product subject to two non-independent failure modes. The joint probability density and reliability functions were presented and the cost equations under three different policies were developed from this model. An algorithm is designed to calculate the average time to failure assuming that the occurrence of any of the failure modes causes the client to claim the warranty. Finally, some numerical examples and cost graphs of different policies are presented.


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Author Biographies

Fernanda Márcia da Silveira Esteves, Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), Niterói, RJ, Brasil

Allan Jonathan da Silva, Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica Celso Suckow da Fonseca (CEFET), Itaguaí, RJ, Brasil

Felipe do Carmo Amorim, Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica Celso Suckow da Fonseca (CEFET), Itaguaí, RJ, Brasil


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How to Cite

ESTEVES, F. M. da S.; SILVA, A. J. da; AMORIM, F. do C. Warranty cost analysis for equipment with two dependent failure modes. REMAT: Revista Eletrônica da Matemática, Bento Gonçalves, RS, v. 9, n. 1, p. e3004, 2023. DOI: 10.35819/remat2023v9i1id6427. Disponível em: https://periodicos.ifrs.edu.br/index.php/REMAT/article/view/6427. Acesso em: 27 jul. 2024.


