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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Authors must strictly follow the instructions contained in the article template provided in DOCX or TEX formats: REMAT-modelo2017.docx, REMAT-modelo2020.tex, REMAT-modelo2017.pdf. Authors are advised to write their text directly in the DOCX or TEX file, as these are already formatted within REMAT standards. If the models are not accessible, authors should request by e-mail [email protected]. The journal's standards comply with ABNT of citations NBR 10520 and references NBR 6023. Articles in Portuguese, Spanish or English are accepted.

The corresponding author must submit, together with the manuscript, the Declaration of Conflict of Interests, Originality, Unpublishedness and Authorship (PDF format, DOCX format), completed and signed by all authors.


  • Submission period: continuous flow.

  • Deadline for submissions to be considered for the first issue of each year: March 31.

  • Deadline for submissions to be considered for each year's second issue: September 30.

  • Deadline for changes in the manuscript after consideration by the Ad Hoc Reviewers: 15 consecutive days.

  • Deadline for changes to the manuscript after Text Review: 7 calendar days.

  • Deadline for approval of the final version of the article: 24 hours.

REMAT adopts the publication system in continuous flow (rolling pass), being organized in two annual issues, closing on July 31st and December 31st of each year.

Ensuring a Blind Peer Review

The submitted file must not contain the name and institution of any of the authors of the article. The inclusion of authorship in the article will be requested by the Section Editor in a timely manner, in order to guarantee blind peer review.

It is mandatory to include the name of all authors in the submission metadata, their institution, ORCID and link to the Lattes curriculum (except for foreign authors). The addition of authors will not be allowed after acceptance of the manuscript.

Article Structure

ABNT NBR 6022:2018 classifies articles as a review article, which analyzes and discusses already published information, and an original article, which presents original themes or approaches. REMAT publishes only original articles in its regular editions.

The manuscript should be structured as follows:

  1. Title in the language of the manuscript: Spanish, English and Portuguese languages are accepted.
  2. Title in two other languages: Spanish, English and Portuguese are accepted.
  3. Abstract in the language of the manuscript: Concise presentation of the relevant points of the manuscript. It must be informative, including objectives, methodology, results (partial or final) and conclusions.
  4. Keywords: They must identify the main ideas of the research, as they will serve as a search method in searches by indexers.
  5. Abstract and keywords in the other two languages of the manuscript: abstract and keywords; abstract and key words.
  6. Elementos textuais: A nomenclatura dos títulos dos elementos textuais fica a critério do autor.
    1. Introduction: Initial part of the manuscript, which must include the delimitation of the subject addressed, the research objectives and other elements necessary to situate the theme of the manuscript.

    2. Theoretical framework: Must present the theoretical basis of the research. In this section, the names given to titles and subtitles are at the discretion of the author.

    3. Methodology: It should contain the methodology used in the research and a detailed description of the steps taken.

    4. Results and discussion: It is recommended that the author present the partial or final results of the research, as well as an analysis of the results obtained.

    5. Final considerations: It is recommended that the author present his conclusions about the research, making it clear what the originality of the work is.

  7. References: Only those mentioned in the article.
  8. Acknowledgments: Optional text in which the author acknowledges those who contributed in a relevant way to the preparation of the manuscript.

Text Formatting

  • Limit 8 to 20 pages.
  • Abstract: The abstract must be composed of a sequence of concise sentences in a single paragraph, without enumeration of topics, Arial 10 font, justified alignment, single line spacing, with a limit of 100 to 250 words. Avoid using symbols. It is best to use the verb in the third person.
  • Keywords: They must appear just below the abstract, preceded by the expression Keywords, followed by a colon, separated by a semicolon and finalized by a period. They must be spelled with initials in lowercase, with the exception of proper nouns and scientific names. Three to five words.
  • Format and spacing: The text must be typed in black, other colors may be used only for the illustrations. A4 format (21cm x 29.7cm).
  • Margins: Superior, inferior, left and right of 2.0 cm.
  • Font Arial 11 for the entire article, with the exception of citations with more than 3 lines, pagination, notes, captions and fonts of illustrations and tables. In these cases, use Arial 10 font.
  • Spacing: 1.5 between lines, with the exception of citations with more than 3 lines, footnotes, references, captions for illustrations and tables, which must be typed in single spacing.
  • Paragraph: Indentation of 1.25 cm.
  • Footnotes: They must be typed within the margins, justified alignment, separated from the text by a single space and by a 5cm fillet, starting from the left margin. The succinct curriculum vitae and authorship contribution must appear in a footnote, with its own call system, different from the system adopted for citations in the text.
  • Titles: The titles of the sections must be separated from the text that precedes and succeeds them by a space between the lines of 1.5, aligned to the left, numbered with Arabic numerals, in Arial 12 font and in bold. For subtitles use Arial 11 font.
  • Pagination: All sheets must be numbered, but numbered starting from the second, using Arabic numerals, in the upper right corner of the sheet, 2cm from the upper edge, with the last figure 2cm from the right edge of the sheet.
  • Page header: Name of REMAT, except for the first page.
  • Acronyms: When an acronym appears for the first time in the text, it must be indicated in parentheses, preceded by the full name. Example: Degree in Mathematics (LM).
  • Equations and formulas: Equations and formulas must be highlighted in the text and, if necessary, numbered with Arabic numerals in parentheses, aligned to the right.
  • Illustrations: Drawings, schemes, figures, flowcharts, photographs, graphs, maps, charts, plans, portraits, among others, must be identified at the top, preceded by the designative word, followed by their number in order of occurrence in the text, in Arabic numerals, dash and the respective title. After the illustration, at the bottom, indicate the source consulted (mandatory element, even if it is the author's own production), caption, notes and other information necessary for its understanding (if any). The illustration must be cited in the text and inserted as close as possible to the passage to which it refers.
  • Tables: They must be cited in the text, inserted as close as possible to the passage to which they refer. The consulted source must be indicated (mandatory element, even if it is the author's own production), in accordance with ABNT NBR 10520:2002.
  • Citations: Must be submitted in accordance with ABNT NBR 10520:2002.
  • All web page addresses included in the text must be active (ready to click).
  • Use italics only for terms that do not appear in the Orthographic Vocabulary of the Portuguese Language.
  • Number all lines of the article, preferably on the left side, facilitating the evaluation process. Lines of text appearing in tables do not need to be numbered. For manuscripts written in TEX, use the command
  • \linenumbers.

Reference Formatting

References must be prepared in accordance with ABNT NBR 6023: 2018.

  • The essential and complementary elements of the reference must be presented in a standardized sequence.
  • References must be written in single space, aligned to the left margin of the text and separated by a single-spaced blank line.
  • Essential elements should reflect the data in the referenced document. Added information must follow the language of the text being prepared and not the referenced document.
  • For online documents, in addition to the essential and complementary elements, you must register the electronic address, preceded by the expression Available at:, and the date of access, preceded by the expression Access at:.
  • Bold typographic resource should be used to highlight the title. This does not apply to works without indication of authorship or responsibility, whose entry element is the title itself, already highlighted by the use of capital letters in the first word, including article (definite or indefinite) and initial monosyllabic word (if any) .
  • Only references cited in the text and in alphabetical order should be presented.



BAUMAN, Zygmunt. Globalização: as conseqüências humanas. Tradução: Marcus Penchel. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar, 1999. 145 p. Título original: Globalization: the human consequences. ISBN 85-7110-495-6.

Academic work

RODRIGUES, Ana Lúcia Aquilas. Impacto de um programa de exercícios no local de trabalho sobre o nível de atividade física e o estágio de prontidão para a mudança de comportamento. Orientador: Mario Ferreira Junior. 2009. 82 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Fisiopatologia Experimental) – Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2009.

Part of a work

ROMANO, Giovanni. Imagens da juventude na era moderna. In: LEVI, G.; SCHMIDT, J. (org.). História dos jovens 2: a época contemporânea. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 1996. p. 7-16. ISBN 85-7164-555-8.

Journal article

DANTAS, José Alves; COSTA, Fábio Moraes da; NIYAMA, Jorge Katsumi; MEDEIROS, Otávio Ribeiro de. Regulação da auditoria em sistemas bancários: análise do cenário internacional e fatores determinantes. Revista Contabilidade & Finanças, São Paulo, v. 25, n. 64, p. 7-18, jan./abr. 2014. DOI:

Event post

BRAYNER, A. R. A.; MEDEIROS, C. B. Incorporação do tempo em SGBD orientado a objetos. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE BANCO DE DADOS, 9., 1994, São Paulo. Anais [...]. São Paulo: USP, 1994. p. 16-29.


CURITIBA. Lei nº 12.092, de 21 de dezembro de 2006. Estima a receita e fixa a despesa do município de Curitiba para o exercício financeiro de 2007. Curitiba: Câmara Municipal, [2007]. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 mar. 2007.

Abbreviation of months in Portuguese: jan., fev., mar., abr., maio, jun., jul., ago., set., out., nov., dez.

Abbreviation of months in Spanish: enero, feb., marzo, abr., mayo, jun., jul., august, sept., oct., nov., dic.

Abbreviations for months in English: Jan., Feb., Mar., Apr., May, June, July, Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec.

Steps for Submitting and Completing Metadata

  1. Start
    • Choice of submission language
    • Section Choice
    • Verification of compliance with the requirements for submitting the manuscript
    • Space for comments for the editor, if necessary
    • Choice of submission profile
    • Acceptance of copyright statement
  2. Manuscript transfer (upload PDF file)
  3. Transfer of the Declaration of Conflict of Interests, Originality, Originality and Authorship (upload the PDF file)
  4. enter metadata

    • Title
    • Abstract (from 100 to 250 words)
    • List of co-authors: Name, Contact, Country, URL (link to Lattes), ORCID, Institution, Role of contributor
    • Language
    • Key words
    • development agency
    • References
  5. Submission confirmation

Monitoring the Editorial Flow

The author will be able to follow the editorial flow through the Open Journal Systems (OJS) electronic journal publishing system. Decisions on the manuscript will be communicated by email and made available in the OJS system.


REMAT does not charge submission, processing and publication fees.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to verify the submission's compliance with all items listed below. Submissions that do not comply with the rules will be archived, and authors will be notified via email.

  1. The article was prepared in a DOCX or TEX file.
  2. The file for submission is in PDF format.
  3. The authorship identification of the article was removed from the archive, thus guaranteeing the journal's confidentiality criteria for evaluation.
  4. The text strictly follows the article model provided.

The author will be able to follow the editorial flow through the electronic journal publishing system Open Journal Systems (OJS). Decisions about the article will be communicated by email and made available on the OJS system.

REMAT does not charge submission, processing and publication fees.

Mathematics Education

Articles that show original results, partial or final, of scientific researches in the field of Mathematics Education, related to the Teaching of Mathematics and with the Initial or Continued Mathematics Teachers Training at the most diverse levels and modalities.


Articles que show show original results, partial or final, of scientific researches in the field of Aplied Mathematics, with interfaces in other Sciences, at the most diverse contexts, including technical and technological. Also, in the field of Pure Mathematics, in addition to original results, partial or final, from scientific researches, articles of mathematical dissemination that present a new perspective for Mathematics problems or absent topics, in general, in Mathematics courses.

Dossiê: Resolução de Problemas na Educação Matemática

Artigos apresentados no I Simpósio de Resolução de Problemas na Educação Matemática, evento de iniciativa e organização do Grupo de Estudos em Resolução de Problemas na Educação Matemática (GERPEM) da Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Campus Sede, na cidade de Maringá, Paraná.

Dossiê: Modelagem Computacional em Ciência e Tecnologia

Artigos apresentados no Encontro Regional de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional (ERMAC-2023) & Simpósio 1ª Década do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Modelagem Computacional em Ciência e Tecnologia (PPG-MCCT), da Universidade Federal Fluminense, Volta Redonda, Rio de Janeiro, realizado de 30 de outubro a 1º de novembro de 2023.

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses informed in this magazine will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.