About the Journal

The Revista Eletrônica da Matemática is an open access scientific journal, whose mission is to share research in the areas of Mathematics Education and Mathematics (Pure or Applied), committing to integrity and ethics at all stages of the editorial process. The journal aims to publish and disseminate original productions by teachers and researchers, in two sections:

1. Mathematics Education

Articles that present original, partial or final results of scientific research in the area of ​​Mathematics Education, related to Mathematics Teaching and the Initial or Continuing Training of Mathematics Teachers at the most diverse levels and modalities.

2. Mathematics

Articles that present original, partial or final results of scientific research in the area of ​​Applied Mathematics, with interfaces in other Sciences, in the most different contexts, including technical and technological. And, in the area of ​​Pure Mathematics, in addition to original, partial or final results of scientific research, mathematical dissemination articles that present a new perspective on Mathematics problems or topics that are generally absent in Mathematics courses.

It adopts a continuous flow publication system, receiving manuscripts in Portuguese, English or Spanish, without charging submission, processing or publication fees. When publishing in one of the languages, authors are invited to translate their article into a second language adopted by the journal. It is hosted on the Portal de Periódicos do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Sul (IFRS) and receives support from the Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa, Pós-Graduação e Inovação (PROPPI) of IFRS.

ISSN Eletrônico: 2447-2689 | DOI: 10.35819 | Qualis 2017-2020: B1


Alteração das Políticas Editoriais da REMAT e novo período de submissões


Prezados leitores, autores, revisores e editores da REMAT.

Informamos que as Políticas Editoriais da REMAT: Revista Eletrônica da Matemática passaram por revisão no segundo semestre de 2024, foram aprovadas pelo Conselho Editorial da REMAT em 29 de outubro de 2024 e publicadas em 6 de novembro do mesmo ano.

De acordo com as novas políticas, passamos a receber submissões de 1º de fevereiro a 15 de dezembro de cada ano. Portanto, o sistema de submissões encontra-se temporariamente desabilitado até 31 de janeiro de 2025. As submissões realizadas até 15/12/2024 continuarão em fluxo normal.

Boas Festas!

Conselho Editorial da REMAT

Read more about Alteração das Políticas Editoriais da REMAT e novo período de submissões

Current Issue

Vol. 11 (2025)
					View Vol. 11 (2025)

Publicação contínua: 01/01/2025 a 31/12/2025.

Published: 2024-12-27

Mathematics Education

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